This is the smallest food package for moms and babies. This package includes more formula than the partially breastfeeding package, but not all the formula your baby may need. The amount of formula will vary depending on the age of your baby.
You can also choose to feed your baby only or mostly formula with some breastfeeding. The amount of formula provided by WIC may not be enough to meet the nutritional needs of your baby, so you should breastfeed any time you and your baby are together so you won’t have to buy more formula.
If you choose this package, your baby will receive the following foods throughout his or her first year. You will receive foods for yourself only during the first six months.
As a WIC mom, you will receive breastfeeding support.
Mom’s Food Package

- Cereal: 36 ounces
- Fruits and vegetables: $47.00
- Juice: 96 ounces (2 - 12-ounce frozen or 48 fluid ounces)
- Low-fat or fat-free milk: 3 gallons
- Yogurt or low-fat or fat-free milk: 1 quart
- Cheese: 1 pound
- Eggs: 1 dozen
- Beans or peanut butter: 1 pound dry or 4 cans or peanut butter 16 to 18 ounce jar
The Formula Feeding food package provides these foods for six months after your baby is born. Moms who choose the Fully or Partially Breastfeeding food packages will receive more food for one full year.
Baby’s Food Package

Breastfeed when you and your baby are together.
When your baby is age 0-3 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 9 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 4-5 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 10 cans of 12.4 ounce powder*
When your baby is age 6-11 months
- Formula: up to but no more than 7 cans - 12.4 ounce powder*
- Infant cereal: 24 ounces (8-ounce or 16-ounce containers)
- Baby food fruits and vegetables: 32 containers - 4 ounces each
*All formula amounts are approximate