If the new formula is not tolerated, the WIC program can exchange any unopened, unused cans of formula for a different WIC contract standard formula within the same month that it was purchased. Starting March 1, your patients needing a soy-based formula will only be able to redeem the contract brand, Similac Soy Isomil.
When formula flexibilities end, planned for June 1, your patients needing milk-based formulas will only be able to redeem the contract brands, Enfamil Infant, Enfamil Gentlease, Enfamil A.R., or Enfamil Reguline WIC will no longer provide alternative brand formulas, such as milk-based equivalents from Similac, Good Start, store labels or imported brands. WIC will not be able to accept medical requests for other brand-equivalents.
Specialty formulas, like hypoallergenic formulas, will still be available with a completed Medical Request for Therapeutic Formula Form.